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Prayer Changes Everything 


As a congregation we believe in the the power of prayer. Prayer is a two-way fellowship and communication with God. It is having a conversation with God, bringing to Him our joys as well as our needs. Prayer involves both speaking to God and listening for His response through the Word. We believe that we are called to do the following:


Pray for the Church in our community and around the world

Pray for our congregational family

Pray for our leaders in and outside of the Church

Pray for the world

3 Ways to Gather with us in Prayer


Join us in community prayer


Lifting one another's joys, sorrows, and concerns before God in prayer is a practice that characterizes our life together at St. Matthew's.  In our worship services, we pray each other's prayers together. Outside of our time together, many parishioners make it part of their daily lives to repeat the prayers of the community as they are listed weekly in the bulletin. You are invited to participate in your own way.


Join us in Monthly Prayer

We want to be a praying community! As Paul writes in Philippians 4:6, " every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

As our leaders & prayer team are faithfully praying through this season, join us and connect for a monthly prayer session where we gather for group prayer via phone.

Contact us here for information to join the call.


Send in your request

If you would like to submit a prayer request and have our congregation pray for you, please click the link below.


Any prayer requests you send to us will be shared with our congregation unless you specify that you wish it to remain confidential. Any confidential prayer requests will only be shared with our Pastors and our leadership team.

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